Internet Have you ever think, if you can view the old look of Some Popular Website e.g. Facebook, Google, Yahoo.. or your favorite website, live now, over the Internet ?? It sounds Very Interesting na…
Yes, This is possible, with an Amazing Website: Wayback Machine: Internet Archive. The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Wayback Machine created Digital Library/Database having more than 284 billion web pages saved over time.
Watch Video Tutorial of “Wayback Machine”
Go Back to Internet with Web Back Machine or Way Back Machine
1. Visit Website: WayBack Machine
2. On the Home Page, Enter the URL of the Website, which OLD Look you want to see.
3. Using Wayback Machine, you can also check the old look of some websites which are currently taken down. So Here, We will Check, “”, which has been taken down recently all over the world.
4. So, Visit Wayback & Enter “” into URL field, as shown in Image no. 2 of Above Shown GIF.
5. Now, you can see Year wise details, showing the web pages of the website archive for a particular month. Select any Year, for that year you can see month & date wise details of Snapshot of the web pages saved by this website.
Let’ See One more Example; Get Back In Time of “Wayback Machine”
In below GIF Image, you can view the old look of “Wayback Machine: Internet Archive”.